FFP Membership

FFP Membership

Welcome to the Fab Foundation Poland (FFP) community! By becoming an FFP Member, you join a dynamic collaboration platform at the forefront of computational design and digital fabrication in Poland. As an FFP Member, you'll enjoy a range of exclusive benefits:

  1. Discounts and Free Access:

    • Enjoy a 5% discount on courses organized by FFP.
    • Attend Fab Academy lectures screenings for free.
    • Participate in FFP social events at no cost.
  2. Machine Time at Fab Institute:

    • Receive 2 hours of free machine time per year and 0.5 hours for your friend at Fab Institute in Wrocław.
  3. Access to Databases:

    • Explore the FFP Membership database to find collaborators, friends or a job.
    • Access the FFP resource database for valuable information and tools (books, codes, CNC settings, designs).
  4. Influence and Opportunities:

    • Shape the educational, research, and industrial landscape of computational design and digital fabrication in Poland! Share your valuable thoughts, needs, and ideas by participating in the annual FFP questionnaire. Your input is crucial, as the results will form the foundation for planning courses and research projects tailored to meet the specific needs of our community.
    • Stay informed about opportunities within the fab community (global and national).
  5. Get software:

    • FFP student members will be entitiled to buy EDU Rhino license (also for commercial use) with 51% discount (95 EUR instead 195 EUR)

By joining FFP, you become an integral part of a vibrant community where collaboration thrives, and members actively contribute to the advancement of knowledge and innovation in the field. Welcome aboard, and let's shape the future of computational design and digital fabrication together!

In the collaborative ecosystem of design and fabrication, designers can connect with digital fabricators and local material providers to bring their projects to fruition. Machine owners, on the other hand, have the opportunity to identify designers and engage in production without the need for designing themselves. Fabricators play a crucial role by communicating their challenges to academia, opening avenues for research collaboration to address specific issues.

This dynamic interaction extends to scientists who receive real-world problems from fabricators, providing tangible challenges for their research projects. Additionally, companies within the industry can proactively suggest current or anticipated needs for new skills, helping to create courses fostering a proactive approach to skill acquisition to remain competitive in the business landscape. This interconnected network serves as a catalyst for innovation, problem-solving, and the continuous evolution of skills in the design and fabrication domain.

Stay conncected, stay informed, receive new opportunities, find collaborators, enjoy FFP resouces (books, codes, settings, designs), share problems, share ideas, share solutions, grow with us!