
FFP Members

By becoming an FFP Member, you join a dynamic collaboration platform at the forefront of computational design and digital fabrication in Poland. As an FFP Member, you'll enjoy a range of exclusive benefits.


Regular membership is renewed annually. Active members benefits:

  1. Free or Discounted Access to the FFP Events (10% discount for all our events e.g workshops, masterclasses or conferences)
  2. Machine Time at Fab Institute (2h of machine time each 6 months)
  3. Access to Resources (access to FFP Github database with selected example files from our courses, test files for lasercutting/3D printing, open-sorce projects, useful GH definitions and scripts, books and learning materials, open-source software)
  4. Access to database ( FFP member database registeration in the FFP members database will allow you to find partners, collaborators or service, and help others to find you based on your sklils, intresets or owned equipment )
  5. Shape the maker movement in Poland and partipate in the global fab network (as FFP member you will have opportunity to influance FFP development and shape Polish maker community by expressing your opinion in choice of the educational topis, proposing topics for reserch projects, voting in the )
  6. Stay Connected and Informed (you will be the first one to be infomed about FFP events, news from the global Fab Lab network: events, job, intership opportunities, )


Active FFP member is an individual who will enjoy

  1. All the benefits of regular member

and will have BUSINESS oportunites to work and earn with Fab Foundation POLAND:

  1. As a EDU creator - Possibilty to organize authorial workshops/courses/events with FFP legal, financial, marketing and physical infrustructure.

  2. As a PRODUCT creator - Develop a product prototype, with access to currently available equipment in Fab Institute e.g. printer, laser cutter () 3D printer and vinel cutter soon available**, which you can turn into a business or pitch as FFP product. Selected project proposals will be enhanced with FFP's state of art expertise in design optimization and fabrication and launched as FFP products, whie authors can simply enjoy the passive income from the sales!

  3. As a GRANT leader - if you have a innovatire idea in the area of computational design and digital farbucation, which needs some research or experimentation to be proven, you can run your own research or R&D grants with Fab Foundation Poland as host institution! FFP recognized by EU as research organization and can serve as host institution for your research!.


Industry partners and individuals who supported FFP activites for public benefit with min. 10000PLN/year will enjoy

  1. All the benefits of the regular membership

  2. Promotion at the website as honourable sponsors.

  3. Participation in a selected FFP event as special guest.

Stay connected, stay informed, receive new opportunities, find collaborators, enjoy FFP resources (books, codes, settings, designs), share problems, share ideas, share solutions, grow with us!

Become a FFP member